Sabtu, 09 Maret 2013

Writing a proposal

The proposal also called the proposed activities. The proposal is a plan of action as outlined in the work plan form. Proposals submitted in order to get permission or approval of the activities to be carried out. Sometimes proposals submitted for funding appeal. The contents of the proposal must show the proposed terms or issues well in order to convince the recipient the proposal to approve the proposal. The elements of the proposal are as follows.
1. Introduction (Background Issues)Background issues in a clear and concise outline of the subject matter. The background of the problem should be based on the content and purpose of the proposal. The background of the problem also demonstrates the importance of the issue to be resolved. You need to know that there is also a proposal that does not include the background of the problem. However, the proposal stated rationale.
2. Problems or Problem FormulationProblems revealed to be related to the research object or activity. Determination must be based on a description of the problem described in the introduction, rationale, or background problems.
3. DestinationPurpose of expressing the intention holding activities or events.
4. TargetGoal directed to whom they are carried out.
5. ImplementationThe technique of implementation is how to resolve the issues raised in the proposal. Implementation technique is presented to convince the recipient the proposal that these problems can be solved in a logical and precise.
6. ScheduleThe implementation schedule is based on the time, type of activity, and the person handling activities. Implementation schedule provides an overview of the activities from beginning to end.
7. BudgetThe budget is the cost required to solve the problems described in the proposal. This section presents the required budget in an efficient, objective, and logical. That is, the cost tailored to the needs and conditions is required. Cost is broken down by type of activity and attention to prices.
8. CoverThe cover contains conclusions, summaries, and expectations of the description given. In addition, the cover also contains the place, date proposal writing, signature, and the name of the person in charge of the proposal.

Jumat, 08 Maret 2013

Understanding the elements of drama and the drama intrinsic

Drama is a form of literary work in the form of dialogue. Drama is also composed of the intrinsic elements. Intrinsic elements of drama are as follows.1. FigureLeaders are individuals or someone who is a perpetrator story. Characters in the drama associated with the name, age, gender, physical type, position and state of psychosis. The characters in the play can be classified as follows.a. By its nature, is classified as the following figure.1) the protagonist, the main character's story2) antagonist, which opponents of the story characters3) tritagonis figures, the maid character, both for the protagonist and antagonist for.
b. Based on their role, are classified into three figures.1) the central figure, the figures are the most crucial in the drama. The central figure is a cause of conflict. The central characters include the protagonist and antagonist2) the main character, the supporters or opponents of the figures central figure. Can be also as intermediary central figure. In this case the figure tritagonis3) auxiliary figures, ie figures are complementary or supplementary role in the cluster eye story. The presence of this servant leaders according to the needs of the story. Not all the drama show attendance figures maid.
2. Dispositive or characterizationsDispositive called characterizations. Dispositive or characterizations is the depiction of the inner nature of a person's character is presented in the story. Dispositive figures in the drama portrayed through dialogue, expression, or behavior of the hero.Character of the characters portrayed in three dimensions (dimensional character) as follows.a. Physical state. The physical state figures include age, gender, body characteristics, disability, prominent characteristics, tribe, nation, faces, favorite, tall or short, thin or fat, like a smile or a frownb. Psychological state. Psychological state figures include: character, passion, mental, moral standards, temperament, ambition, suffered psychological and emotional statec. Sociological circumstances. The state of sociological figures include: job title, occupation, social class, race, religion, and ideology.
3. Setting or backgroundSetting is also called the background story. Setting includes three dimensions.a. Setting the place, is where the story of the play. Setting place can not stand alone. settings related to the setting where time and spaceb. Setting the time, is the time or date or period of the history of the story of the play. Setting time can occur during the day, morning, afternoon, or eveningc. Setting the atmosphere, is the atmosphere that contribute to the story. Setting the atmosphere can be supported with sound or lighting when staging drama.
4. ThemeTheme is a central idea or ideas underlying the creation of a drama. Common theme is the issue raised in the drama romance, social criticism, poverty, social inequality, oppression, divinity, a fractured family, patriotism, humanity, and musings.
5. Mandate or the author of a messageMandate is the message the author to the reader or the audience through his work (including drama). Every reader or viewer can vary in interpreting the mandate of drama. Mandate is subjective and figuratively speaking, while the theme is simple, objective, and special. Mandate drama is always associated with the theme of the drama.
6. Dialogue (Conversation)Characteristic shape playwright conversation or dialogue. This dialogue to be spoken actor on stage.Some matters relating to the dialogue in the play is as follows.a. The dialogue reflects everyday speech because drama is mimetic (imitation) of everyday lifeb. Diversity of languages ​​used in spoken language dialogue drama is not the variety of communicative and written languagec. Diction (choice of words) that are used in dealing with conflict and drama plotd. Dialogue in the play is aesthetically pleasing, it is to have a language that is easy to understand and be understoode. Dialogue can represent character figures presented, whether psychological, sociological, and physiological.
7. ConflictConflict is a disagreement antarmasalah in the drama. Conflict can be divided into two, namely the external conflict and internal conflict.a. External conflict is a conflict between the characters with something outside of themselvesb. Internal conflict is a conflict between the hero himself.

Kamis, 07 Maret 2013

Analysis of intrinsic and extrinsic elements in the novel

A literary works such as novels, supported by elements of the intrinsic and extrinsic. Elements are intrinsic elements of the building works of literature itself. This element directly construct the story so novel form. Intrinsic elements as follows.
1. Theme, is the basis of the story, the idea of ​​a common base of a masterpiece. The basic idea is commonly used to develop the story.
2. Plot or plot, story development pattern is formed by causality. In general, the plot is divided into the following sections.a. Introduction to the story situationb. Disclosure of eventsc. Towards a conflictd. Height of the conflicte. Completion.
Conflict is the essence of the groove. Conflict is a disagreement. Kind of conflict include:a. Human contradiction with himself (inner conflict)b. Conflicts with other humanc. Conflicts of humans with the environment, whether the economic, political, social, culturald. Conflicts of man with God or faith.
3. Background, which suggests a fulcrum off in terms of place, time relationship, and the social environment where the occurrence of the events described.
4. Characters and characterizations. Leaders are those stories. The character has a different character to animate characters. Characterizations is a clear delineation of characters featured in the story.
5. Point of view, a strategy, technique, or strategy that the author used to express ideas and stories.
6. Mandate, is the author trying to convey the message to the reader.
Extrinsic Elements are elements outside the literary works, but it does not directly affect the structure or organism system literature. Extrinsic elements consist of individual subjectivity authors state that have attitudes, beliefs, and worldviews that all it affects the work done. In addition, the extrinsic elements related to psychology author and author of circumstances in terms of both economic, political, religious, cultural, and social.

Rabu, 06 Maret 2013

Various kinds of pollution

Pollution characterized by the presence of pollutants in the environment of excessive so detrimental to health or human activity. Pollutants can be chemicals, waste or even living creatures that cause diseases such as bacteria, viruses or protozoa group. The emergence of these contaminants can occur naturally or as a result of human activities in order to meet all their needs.

Various kinds of pollution
1. water pollution
Occurs when the water contained contaminants that reduce the quality or water quality so that water can not be used as needed.
Terms of potable water used prior to eating or drinking are:
- No color
- No taste
- No smell
- Does not contain hazardous substances or materials.

When the water is all around us already do not have one or more conditions, the water is already polluted.

Causes of water pollution include:
a. waste, either from home or from industry
b. runoff from fertilizers or pesticides from agricultural areas
c. manure or even human.

2. air pollution
Marked by the presence of several chemicals as contaminants in amounts that interfere with humans, animals and plants.
These chemicals can come from motor vehicle exhaust fumes, factory or arson.
Perceived interference due to air pollution such as eye irritation, difficulty breathing. While the plants may be stunted.

3. soil pollution
Soil contamination is strongly associated with water and air pollution. Surface water (rivers, lakes) that can be entered into the contaminated soil. Similarly, air pollution, pencemarnya ingredients together with rain water will go into the ground.
Other materials that can pollute the soil is rubbish, especially plastic, or the rest of the bottle shards of pottery.

Selasa, 05 Maret 2013

Diponegoro War (1825 - 1830)

Diponegoro resistance Center began in Selarong. To avoid ambush Netherlands, Prince Diponegoro was moving its headquarters to another, ie to Pleret, Dekso, and Compassionate. From headquarters to headquarters, Prince Diponegoro using guerrilla tactics. With that tactic forces simultaneously attacked the Dutch position in various cities in Central Java and East Java.Besides using guerrilla warfare tactics, Prince Diponegoro was also used in the following manner:a. An army under the name Turkiyo, Bulkiyo, and Arkiyob. Making Selarong as a center of resistancec. Establishing guerrilla bases in Kalisoko, Selarong, Dekso, Plered, Semarang, Madison, and Kertasana.
In 1826, Prince Diponegoro gained many victories as the support of the people. In this war, Prince Diponegoro aided by figures like Kyai Mojo, Sentot Ali Basah Prawirodirejo, Prince Mangkubumi, Surya Nature, Kerta foundations, Kerto Dirjo, Suriaatmojo, Prince Attack, and Kyai Beshari Kasan.
Dutch efforts to defeat Prince Diponegoro, among others:a. Using the system Stelsel Fortress, which is set up defenses at every Dutch controlled areas. The aim of the castle stelsel is to narrow the area of ​​Prince Diponegoro motion to sever access and inter-regionalb. Establish anti-war guerrilla armyc. Giving an interesting promise to Surakarta and Mangkunegaran not to support Diponegorod. A high reward to the person who can catch Prince Diponegoroe. Sepuh raised the Sultan in order to influence the peoplef. Using a negotiating ploy.
Final resistanceIn 1828, Kyai Mojo surrender so that the troops of Prince Diponegoro weakened. Followed by the other reinforcements. On March 28, 1830 held talks in Magelang. The talks failed and unpredictable Prince Diponegoro was arrested by General De Kock. After his arrest, Prince Diponegoro was exiled to Manado adn then moved to Makassar until his death on January 8, 1855.
Diponegoro War consequences:a. Dutch financial Cash emptyb. Yogyakarta and surrounding territory controlled by the Dutch.

Senin, 04 Maret 2013

Aceh War (1873 - 1904)

The first attack (1873) led by Gen. JHR Kohler. He died and was replaced by J. Van Swieten. General Pel replace Van Swieten, but he died in 1876. Aceh figure was calculated Netherlands is Teuku Cik Di Tiro. In the spirit of sabil war, he was able to penetrate the Dutch troops. To save on the cost of the war, the Dutch launched a strategy "Concentration Stelsel" (centering resistance). This tactic destroyed by Laskar Aceh through guerrilla attacks, and the Netherlands use tactics provoke among Laskar Aceh but to no avail. In 1893 Uma mock surrender and willing to cooperate with the Dutch. In 1899 Uma killed in fierce fighting in Meulaboh. His struggle was continued by his wife, Cut Nyak Dien.

Final resistance
Because of the difficulty of breaking the resistance efforts in Aceh, the Dutch tried to follow the advice of Dr. Snouck. According to him, Aceh should be conquered by of force. For that formed Marsose Forces by General van Heutsz. Aceh army in 1900 under pressure from the Dutch by assault and cruelty. Sultan Muhammad Dawood Shah and Commander Polim surrendered in 1903. Nevertheless, resistance to the Dutch still lasted until 1912.

Aceh War lasted longer when compared with resistance-resistance in other areas. This happens for several reasons, namely:
a. Natural state is mountainous and dense forest so it can be used as a shelter
b. The scholars of Aceh have a huge influence in fomenting war spirit Sabil
c. Aceh war does not depend on a leader
d. Acehnese social factors that are not easily attracted to the promises made ​​by the Dutch.

Minggu, 03 Maret 2013

Forms of igneous intrusion of magma (Platonism)

Forms of intrusive igneous rock or magma formations Platonism produced the following:a. The mass of the frozen deep in the earth1) batholiths, are igneous rocks formed in the magma chamber, the temperature is very slow decline. As discordant intrusion. Example: batholiths in Indonesia include Schwaner Mountains (Borneo), massive and massive Sulan in Lampung Bengkunat (South Sumatra)2) Stock or Boss (uneven shape, rounded as small batholiths).
b. Diintrusikan mass parallel (concordant) consists of:1) Sills (pieces intrusion), the igneous rock slab diintrusikan among all the layers of sedimentary rock2) Lakolit, are igneous rocks that resemble sills, but the ratio of the thickness is much larger than the width, the upper convex3) Letofit, namely igneous wide, shaped like a lens, concave in the middle because the rocks underneath bending4) Eakolit, the body of igneous rock, such as the lens diintrusikan between the folded layers at the top of the anticline or syncline curves
c. Diintrusikan mass cut perlapisan field (discordant) consists of:1) dikes, frozen plate is not parallel to the perlapisan2) Apolisa, a branch of a body of intrusive rock (alley) is very large in a particular area3) Terrace Mountain fire (vulcanic neck), which is a frozen mass of a cylindrical, as the remaining poles volcano4) Konolit, the intrusive rocks that form is not clear.
Based on the diameter of the rock Plutonis divided into 2, namely:a. Plutonis tabularRelatively small, somewhat close to the surface of the Earth, we are familiar with the sill and dike. Sill if the layout is parallel to the rock layers around it, can be horizontal, tilted or upright (korikordan). Dike, if the layout or position cutting the surrounding rock (discordant).
b. Massive PlutonisLarger in size, it was located in, divided into lakolit and batholiths. The size is very large, generally found under a large mountain range and is the core of the mountain range.

Sabtu, 02 Maret 2013

Recycling of waste

Recycling of waste has several objectives, among others, the following:1) avoid pollution or environmental damage2) preserve the life of living things that exist in a given environment3) stabilizing the living creatures in the environment4) reducing inorganic inorganic waste because nothing can last up to 300 years5) get additional income. Results waste will eventually be sold for profit6) obtain alternative sources of energy. For example, as a source of power7) obtain raw materials for some products.
To facilitate the recycling process, need to be prepared systematic steps. Here are some practical steps to carry out recycling bins.1) separation, the separation of materials that can be recycled should be disposed to landfill2) storage, the storage of dry material that has been separated into a sealed box. Each sealed box contains only one type of cultivated materials. For example, in the form of scrap paper or bottles. If it will make compost, household waste dumped at the site composting3) transfer or sale of, the delivery or sale of used goods that have been collected to factories that require or to scavengers.
Here are some types of waste or material that can be exploited through recycling.1) paper. All types of paper can be recycled produce new paper2) glasses. Bottle of ketchup, syrup bottles and broken glasses or plates can be recycled to make bottles, glasses, or a new plate3) aluminum. Food and drink cans can be reused as packing tins4) steel. Steel building construction leftovers can be recycled to produce new steel-making raw materials5) plastic. Plastic waste can be dissolved and processed again into packing material (packing) for various purposes. For example, used bags, bottles of lube oil, water bottles and shampoo bottles.

Jumat, 01 Maret 2013

Linear correlation and regression

Correlation is a statement showing the close relationship between the 2 (two) or more variables and the relationship between these variables based on the results of scientific research.
In this article we correlations is limited to two variables, which we will later use the symbol variables x and y.
The first known variable is called the independent variable or variables that affect, while others, who have not known is called the dependent variable or variables that are affected.
To study the relationship two variables can be done with two observations, the observation of the scattering diagram and observations on a chart or graph.
1. Observation of the scattering diagramFirst, two variables that have a relationship, the variables x and y is described in a scattered diagram. The next step we interpret the nature of the relationship based on the chart. In general, the nature of the relationship variables x and y can be classified into 3 groups:a. A positive relationship, if the variable x goes up or down, then the variable y goes up or down.b. Negative relationship, if the variable x goes up or down, then the variable y down or up.c. There is no relationship. If the relationship between the variables x and y can not be described by a straight line (linearly).
2. Observation of the chartsWith this method the two variables x and y respectively depicted in the diagram. If the second graph shows the same direction, there is a relationship between two variables. If the two graphs did not show the same direction, meaning that there is no relationship between the variables x and y.
RegressionIn statistical regression, calculated how big the role or contribution of the independent variables in shaping the dependent variable. While other variables are not taken into account as required variables as constants.
The regression equation:Y = a + b. x
Where:Y = the dependent variable or variables causedx = the independent variable or causeb = coefficient of xa = constant.
The method used1. Free methods2. The method of least squares sum.

Kamis, 28 Februari 2013

Definition of interview

The interview is the process of obtaining information for research purposes by way of question and answer between face to face in pen or with the interviewer or respondents answering. Although the interview is a process in the form of question and answer conversation face to face, but the interview is a process of collecting data for a study.

Factors that influence the outcome of the interview is:
1) Interviewer
Interviewers are expected to submit questions to the respondent and to stimulate the respondents to answer, dig further if desired answers and write them down. If all of these tasks can not be carried out according to proper interview would be less qualified.

2) Respondents
Respondents may affect the results of the interview because of the quality of the answers given depends on the way he captures the contents of the questions correctly and appropriately, and are willing and able to answer every question well.

3) Research topics contained in the list of questions
Research topic or a list of questions can affect the smoothness and the interview, because the willingness of respondents to answer it depends on whether he is interested in it or not. Willingness to answer is often also depends on the assessment of whether the respondent was the subject sensitive or not. The list of questions in addition to influencing the respondents also affects the interviewer. Sometimes there are parts of that question is very difficult to describe. For example, questions regarding respondents' lives a very personal nature, such as the happiness of respondents lived as husband / wife, and so the amount of income respondents.

4) Situation interview
The interview process was very influenced by the interview situation, the situation that arises because of time, place, presence or absence of a third person and the attitude of society in general.

Rabu, 27 Februari 2013

Annuity and depreciation

According to linguistic terms, an annuity is an annual. Payments to the annuity system is the system of installment payments (installments) with interest periodically (every year) with a total amount of payment is always fixed.

Depreciation or depreciation is the decline in value of assets due to the increased age of fixed assets due to obsolescence or sustained as a result of new technologies.

1. Straight-line depreciation method
According to the straight-line method of depreciation is calculated by evenly dividing the net asset value of the residual value. Residual value is the value that is contained in the following assets can not be enabled again.


P = HP - NR / TU

HP = cost
NR = residual values
TU = estimated age
P = depreciation

2. Depreciation according to the book value of fixed rate
This method is also called the declining balance method for depreciation decreases periodically over the life of the estimated assets.

Book value = cost - accumulated depreciation

3. Depreciation according to the method of the total number of years

Depreciation year i = i / Sn (HP-NR)

P = depreciation
I = annual number value behind
Sn = the total number of annual
HP = cost
NR = residual values
n = length of depreciation

4. Depreciation according to production method
Depreciation can be calculated based on the estimated useful life of the asset based on the number of units or units of production. Therefore, the depreciation each year can be calculated after production operations.


Pi = U x Ti

TP = total estimated production
Pi = depreciation in the i
U = depreciation per unit
Ti = total production in the i.

Senin, 25 Februari 2013

Water has certain properties

1. syrup, kerosene, gasoline, and oil are examples of substances ...
2. water cooled constantly going ...
3. event changes from a gas to a solid form called ...
4. the surface of still water is always ...
5. river in Borneo used to ...
6. sources of electrical energy derived from hydropower is called ...
7. when the density of objects equal to the density of water, the object will ...
8. sea water exposed to the sun will evaporate and rise to the top to form ...
9. characteristic peculiarities or irregularities in water is called ...

a. List 3 benefits of water!
b. What is an event capillarity?
c. Why do we boiled water will eventually run out?
d. Why stove oil, when we ignite a fire is lit?
e. Why fish can breathe underwater?
f. Why when drying wet clothes to dry?
g. Explain the use of water in everyday life!
h. List 3 substances that are not soluble in water!
i. How is the state of an object when floating in water?
j. If we put the sugar into the water and then we stir, the sugar will not be visible anymore. Explain that!

Key answers:
1. liquid
2. freezes into ice cube
3. crystallize
4. horizontal
5. means of transport
6. Hydropower or hydroelectric
7. float
8. clouds or overcast
9. anomalies of water.

a. as a means of traffic, as a means of conveyance (transport), as power plants
b. event water seep through small cracks
c. as the water evaporates
d. because the kerosene stove was pervasive and rising up through the wick
e. because the air dissolved in water
f. as the water evaporates on the clothes and turns into gas
g. for cooking, drinking, washing, bathing, irrigation, maintaining fish and other purposes
h. wax, oil, and asphalt
i. when the density of objects equal to the density of water
j. because the sugar is dissolved in water.

Minggu, 24 Februari 2013

Understanding the needs

Needs of each human life is not the same, depending on the needs of the income level, the environment, education, customs, and religion. Necessity is the human desire to be fulfilled. Human needs or the community is always growing. There are several factors driving the increasing needs of the community are as follows:
1. advances in science and technology
2. of population
3. cultural dynamics
4. increase of faith and piety.

Various kinds of human needs
Basically, human needs can be classified as follows:
1. Needs according to their importance (intensity)
a. Primary need, a need that must be met in order for human survival is not compromised. Example: food, clothing, shelter.
b. Secondary requirement, a requirement made after the fulfillment of primary needs are met. Example: motorcycles, radio.
c. Tertiary needs, is meeting this requirement made after the primary and secondary needs. Example: jewelry, luxury cars.

2. Needs according to the time
a. The need now, that is the needs that must be met. Examples: medicine for the sick, eating when hungry.
b. Future needs, the needs of the fulfillment done for the future. Example: saving for pilgrimage, education insurance.

3. Needs by nature
a. Physical needs, needs that are physical or material. Example: eating, drinking.
b. Spiritual needs, is the need for a close relationship with the spiritual and intangible nature. Example: religion, entertainment, education.

4. Needs by subject
a. Individual needs (individual), is the only requirement needed by a person or an individual. Example: hoes for farmers, stethoscope for doctors.
b. Social needs (people), is the need for a group that aims to meet the social needs of the community. Example: roads, markets, schools, hospitals.