Minggu, 03 Maret 2013

Forms of igneous intrusion of magma (Platonism)

Forms of intrusive igneous rock or magma formations Platonism produced the following:a. The mass of the frozen deep in the earth1) batholiths, are igneous rocks formed in the magma chamber, the temperature is very slow decline. As discordant intrusion. Example: batholiths in Indonesia include Schwaner Mountains (Borneo), massive and massive Sulan in Lampung Bengkunat (South Sumatra)2) Stock or Boss (uneven shape, rounded as small batholiths).
b. Diintrusikan mass parallel (concordant) consists of:1) Sills (pieces intrusion), the igneous rock slab diintrusikan among all the layers of sedimentary rock2) Lakolit, are igneous rocks that resemble sills, but the ratio of the thickness is much larger than the width, the upper convex3) Letofit, namely igneous wide, shaped like a lens, concave in the middle because the rocks underneath bending4) Eakolit, the body of igneous rock, such as the lens diintrusikan between the folded layers at the top of the anticline or syncline curves
c. Diintrusikan mass cut perlapisan field (discordant) consists of:1) dikes, frozen plate is not parallel to the perlapisan2) Apolisa, a branch of a body of intrusive rock (alley) is very large in a particular area3) Terrace Mountain fire (vulcanic neck), which is a frozen mass of a cylindrical, as the remaining poles volcano4) Konolit, the intrusive rocks that form is not clear.
Based on the diameter of the rock Plutonis divided into 2, namely:a. Plutonis tabularRelatively small, somewhat close to the surface of the Earth, we are familiar with the sill and dike. Sill if the layout is parallel to the rock layers around it, can be horizontal, tilted or upright (korikordan). Dike, if the layout or position cutting the surrounding rock (discordant).
b. Massive PlutonisLarger in size, it was located in, divided into lakolit and batholiths. The size is very large, generally found under a large mountain range and is the core of the mountain range.

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